Paid plans
Advanced navigation and work management functions
First time buyers get 30 days free on your subscription! You can cancel at any time.

Real-time display of height difference, slope, travel speed, number of satellites, etc.
AgriBus-Web to manage data via PC browser
Curve guidance and saving and applying guidance reference lines
Plan Comparison Chart
You can use the following basic features for free
$ 0
- Visualization of work trajectory
- Linear Guidance
- Creation and management of Cultivated land
- Storage and viewing of work data (storage period is 2 days)
- Bluetooth connection for AgriBus-GMiniR
Advanced guidance and work management
134.99 USD/year
- All features available in (Free)
- Curve Guidance
- Storage and viewing of work data (indefinitely)
- Realization of RTK using AgriBus products
- Receive correction information from My Reference Station using AgriBus products (maximum number of simultaneous connections [unlimited])
- Open My Reference Station to other AgriBus users
- Preservation and reuse of used Guidance Line
- Utilization of information such as elevation difference, slope, travel speed, etc.
- Ability to suspend and resume work
- Indication of straight ahead marker
- Utilization of the Guidance Line
- Display of overlapping sections (section guidance)
- Fill toggle with buttons on headset
- Manage your data with AgriBus-Web
- Export of saved work data
- Hide ads
Connection with other companies’ products
274.99 USD/year
- All features available in (Plus)
- Bluetooth connection for GNSS receivers from other manufacturers
- USB connection for GNSS receivers from other manufacturers
- Ntrip transfer to Bluetooth dongle
- Port connection with third-party apps
- Receive correction information from hosts other than My Reference Station
- Send correction information from other manufacturers’ equipment to My Reference Station
- Equipment of other manufacturers receive correction information from My Reference Station (maximum number of simultaneous connections is [4])
- Using the bank transfer option
Cloud Utilization for Agricultural Corporations
upon request
- All features available in (Professional)
- Create a team with AgriBuis-Web
- Invite AgriBus users to join your team
- Sharing of Cultivated landWork history within the team
- Share My Reference Bureau with your team
- Real-time display of members’ work status in the browser